Now I’ve finished my responses to the 22 creationists, I thought I’d finish off with a few links to others I found during the whole nightmare ordeal.
First, the original Buzzfeed post:
22 Messages From Creationists To People Who Believe In Evolution
Next, popular science writer/presenter Adam Rutherford in the Guardian – short and snarky:
22 answers for creationists from someone who understands evolution
Astronomer and writer Phil Plait at – slightly longer and more helpful answers:
Astrophysicist and writer Ethan Siegel at – “no snark, no sarcasm”:
22 Messages of Hope (and Science) for Creationists
The shortest and wittiest, on Imgur:
Creationist Questions Translated
Overlooked in all of this, there was also another set of photos posted by Matt Stopera at Buzzfeed, to complement the 22 creationists:
22 Messages For Creationists From People Who Believe In Evolution
They’re not entirely free of idiocy and smugness either. If any theist sympathisers fancy writing rebuttals to all of these, please send me the link, and I’ll post it here.