Now I’ve finished my responses to the 22 creationists, I thought I’d finish off with a few links to others I found during the whole nightmare ordeal.
Tag Archives: astrophysics
Response to Creationist 21
21. “Relating to the big bang theory…. Where did the exploding star come from?”
At first glance, 21 may look like the thickest of the whole bunch, and his question seems to reinforce that impression. But he has at least put a tiny bit of original thought into it.
Response to Creationist 19
19. “Can you believe in “the big bang” without “faith”?”
In other words, “I believe in something with absolute certainty, despite evidence against it, and none in favour. So I assume that’s what everyone else does too.”
Response to Creationist 10
10. “I believe in the Big Bang Theory… God said it and BANG it happened!”
Other commentators have suggested that 10 is describing a belief in deism, the idea that god is an unknowable, ineffable entity who created the universe but who has not interfered since – and therefore cannot be the personal god of Judaism, Christianity, or any other revealed religion. Her mention of the “Big Bang Theory” and the phrase, “it happened” do seem to suggest some concept of deism or theistic evolution in which god set the fuse on the Big Bang, and then left “it”, ie the entire subsequent history of the universe, to happen as science understands it.
Response to Creationist 6
6. “If the Big Bang Theory is true and taught as science along with evolution, why do the laws of thermodynamics debunk said theories?”
If I were simply answering the questions, it would be tempting to simply refer back to 4, but I’m not, so I won’t.