2018 was such a wash-out for New Year’s resolutions, I chose not to set any in 2019. In 2020, I set only one:
1. Don’t buy any more books.
In 2019, my book hoarding habit and unread book pile had reached problematic proportions. Therefore, I resolved not to add to it for at least a year. I was helped somewhat by the pandemic, which meant I wasn’t pottering around and popping into bookshops and charity shops anyway. I failed on two specific occasions:
a) A copy of The Spheres by Iain M Banks came up for sale on Ebay. This was a booklet published in a limited edition of 500 for a science fiction convention, and is very difficult to get hold of. I’ve had a search alert on it for a long time, and one finally appeared this year. I couldn’t miss the opportunity, and bought it.
b) In July, the brilliant Tom the Dancing Bug comic was published in book form by Clover Press, and again, I couldn’t miss out. Both books are now sold out.
So, I acquired three books. But compared to the previous average of over a hundred a year, it’s a vast improvement.
I also completed a previous resolution:
3. Switch to safety razors, shaving soap and brush. (2018)
Finally done, and I even managed a shave with no cuts before the end of the year!